EMF Overload Treatment

Common Treatments & Steps To Address

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure


Reduce EMF exposure at home and work:

  • Turn off WiFi routers, especially at night, and use wired internet connections instead.
  • Switch mobile devices to airplane mode when not in use.
  • Use corded landline phones instead of cordless ones.
  • Avoid wearing wireless devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers.
  • Unplug electrical devices and appliances when not in use.
  • Use EMF-blocking materials like shielding blankets and bed canopies.

Improve grounding and reduce "dirty electricity":

  • Ensure proper electrical grounding in your home.
  • Minimize use of devices that generate dirty electricity, such as dimmer switches, compact fluorescent bulbs, and variable speed motors.

Monitor EMF levels:

  • Use an EMF meter to identify high-exposure areas in your home and workplace.
  • Consider consulting a building biology specialist to assess your EMF environment.

Seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms:

  • Symptoms like headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and skin irritation may be related to EMF exposure.
  • Work with a doctor to rule out other potential causes and manage any health effects.
  • Utilize specifically designed EMF devices to assist in minimizing further exposure.
  • Integrative techniques may be used to alleviate medical issues.
  • Depending upon the level of exposure, a referral to an EMF specialist or group may be recommended.

Advocate for policy changes:

  • Support efforts to establish more stringent safety standards for EMF exposure.
  • Encourage the development of safer technologies and exposure-reduction strategies.

The key is to take a proactive, multi-faceted approach to minimize EMF exposure and mitigate any potential health impacts. Consulting experts and using appropriate protective measures can help manage EMF-related concerns.

Learn more about Electromagnetic Field Overload (EMF).